Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Like Himm;;PleaseeHelpp.!!?

Alright then sweetie. My thought on this is that he likes you and she likes him.you like him so go get him! It doesn't matter if any other girl put her phone number in his cell since they didn't begin dating. when she flirts with him, he flirts with her because he has a heart and he doesn't want to tell her to stop because it will hurt her feelings. he took her picture, no worry. he looks at you every time she flirts w/ him because he secretly likes you and wishes it were you flirting with him. making sense? And she has NO BUISINESS flirting with him if she has a boyfriend. so I suggest that next time she flirts in an obvious way with him, you take her aside and tell her off. remind her that her boyfriend is with her and flirting with another guy is a way to set up a future relationship with him or cheat. I hope this was helpful advice. keep me posted on how everything turns out ok? only, try to use spaces between words and use proper punctuation please.

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