Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should i go for it or play it safe?

Hey, I'm a freshmen in high school and im not allowed to have a bf till next year (i can go on group dates) This guy that went to my middle school goes to high school with me and we're pretty close. We talk alotttttt at school cuz we have four cles together and we're just really good friends. We text alot too and last night we were talking and hes like im repulsive and i was like no ur not and hes like w/e and i was like ive known plenty of girls that liked u so dont think that and then i had to go and i told him id see him tomorrow (which is today...we had a funeral to go to :( and hes like wait! and i said whattt and hes like names...plz one or two and i was like um no thanks id get shot whats in it for me? and hes like umm ill go to sadies (a dance in the winter that he was refusing to go to) and i was like OMG we'll talk tomorrow. So its tomorrow and im gonna text him later or he'll text me im sure and idk what to do because alot of girls have liked him...including me...and i do now too but one of my friends likes him too so i dont wanna just tell him cuz of that (if she didnt like him i prob would) so: do you think i should tell him that i used to like him without saying i still do? or just leave out my name? thanks for your help!

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