Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I admit to my mom I'm schizophrenic?

I went through ual abuse for two years as a child. I was quiet and spent my time reading. I would read at the table, during recess, in the car, at the store, everywhere I could that was my escape. Later I told my mother about the abuse and we moved to a different state, my abuser is now in jail. Yet I became depressed and stopped reading. I began to write and that helped but my main character was a violent murderer who felt regret for her sins. As I went to a different school (7th grade) I began to toy with the idea of not being human. I sure didn't feel like it and I was pretty odd. I fought against it for awhile but eventually gave it. While living under this delusion that in my past life I was this killer, and I wasn't human, and had abilities such as being empath, psychic, and talking to the dead. I met my wonderful boyfriend while living in this delusion. He played along and said he wasn't human so I wouldn't feel alone. For almost three years I lived like that, I truly believed all that I said. I had flashbacks, conversations with those in a different realm "telepathicly" I was oppressed by the overflow of energy and stress that came with it. I was scared to tell people anything because I thought I'd be locked up in a padded room. Then not even half a week ago, I stopped talking to the voices and stopped doing anything and really thought about it. A couple of times I'd think that maybe it wasn't real maybe I was just insane and human but brushed it off. Then I finally realized it wasn't real. None of it was. I used my imagination to craft a world of fantasy around me to deal with the trama from the abuse. I won't lie I had a breakdown and i've been on the verge of one since last Wensday. Now I am a sophmore in highschool and I'm worried about my future. I accept that I am schizophrenic and I've been feeling better once I got out of my delusion but I'm being haunted by the voices, and I'm getting hallucionations, plus my emotions are out of wack. I'm also struggling with religion, I want to believe god is real but then I think of what I've done and what I truly believed and I feel ashamed...So I partially believe that god is a delusion built by people to cope with life. Yet then I'm worried about my future, I want a job as a baker in a small pastry cafe and I want to either self educate myself or go to community college but my family is poor. I want to tell my mom but she'd cry and worry and we'd have to go get me professionally diagnosed. I'm scared of consulers and I refuse to take medicene. But then I hear that I can get scolarships for having a mental illness, but wouldn't the reputation affect my job and the way people precieve me? Half the time I'm depressed or thinking of cutting again (a past addiction) or killing myself to make it stop but I don't want to die I just want to fix myself...My boyfriend has been supportive and partially blames himself for lying to humor my delusion but at the same time if he hadn't I would have probably never gotten out of it or I would have been so caught up in it I would have killed myself. I'm not sure what I want in life. Each day is a struggle...But I can act through it, that's what I normally do. I can also interpet body language well and I study psychology in my free time. I don't want to go to and asylm but I don't want to live like this anymore...My mom just got her divorce finalized and we're planning on buying a condo or townhouse durring the summer and I don't want to burden her with my issues. I'll be 16 by the end of the summer and then I'll only have two more years of highschool. I just feel lost and isolated. I wake up every morning in shock of where I am and who I am. I love my boyfriend more than I can say and I appreicate all my friends have done, I want to believe i can do this on my own but I'm scared...I don't know what to do.

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