Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fish problems? please help experienced fish owners!?

First, get yourself a good fish book. I recommend any Innes book. Follow any directions. Second, stop with those crappy fish which are nothing more than one big pain in the ***. Third, too much light causes algae and overfeeding makes the tank filthy. Fourth, drain the tank, wash everything in a solution of 2 gallons of water and 1 cap of chlorine bleach. Rinse several times with water. Fifth, put everything back, add water and let it age for at least 3-4 days with the filter going. Sixth, get yourself a pair of guppies and a pair of sail fin black mollies, 2 catfish. NO snails, in a couple of months your tank will have 10's of 1000's and are very hard to get rid of. Adding some kosher salt to the water is a good thing. Check the Innes book for the ratio of salt to water. Turn of the light at night or better yet put it on a timer. Never shut the filter/aerator except to clean it. There's a lot more but buy the book and have fun.

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